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The Secret to Building Trust with Your Co-Workers

It can be difficult to build close-knit relationships in the fast-paced world of real estate.

building trust with your coworkers

The Trust Challenge

It can be difficult to build close-knit relationships in the fast-paced world of real estate. In an industry that often values competition over collaboration, meaningful connections can prove to be elusive – even challenging.

So what’s the secret to developing strong, lasting relationships?

In a hotbed of competition, how do you build trust with your real estate team?


The first step towards trust is consistency. When you show up reliably for your job, day in and day out, this simple act demonstrates to the people around you that you can be counted on.

Do you show up on time? Are you there when they need you?

Being consistent can also help you get into a rhythm, make it easier to adapt to change, and keep you motivated. In the long run, there’s no better way for you to prove to your coworkers that you are a trustworthy (and valuable!) member of the team.

Be Honest

As William Shakespeare said, “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” When you are truthful with yourself and others, things come easier; life seems to flow. When speaking, ask yourself the following:

Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
Is it true?

If you can’t answer “yes,” to the above, then it’s best to stay quiet. Getting caught in a lie can both damage your reputation and destroy the trust that you’ve built with your team.

Admit When You’re Wrong

We all make mistakes; as humans, it’s how we learn! Instead of trying to cover up your mistakes or make excuses, it’s best to tackle them head on. Acknowledge when you mess up, and when you do, immediately offer a solution for how you will avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

When you’re vulnerable enough to admit your faults, it can humanize you and show that you’re trustworthy. Who would have thought that mistakes can actually be used for good?

Be Helpful

Imagine you notice that one of your coworkers is struggling. Is there a way that you could help them or potentially lighten their load?

Whether it’s a listening ear or ongoing assistance, the fast-track to trust is through kindness and empathy. If you find yourself twiddling your thumbs at the end of the day, speak to your boss about taking on a new project, or ask around the office to see if anyone needs anything. Clean up after yourself (and others) and find little ways to lend a helping hand.

Be Patient

When it comes down to it, building trust takes time. But if you show up with consistency, honesty, you admit when you’re wrong and you’re helpful, you’ll find yourself connecting with your real estate team in no time. Start planting the seeds of trust now and wait for your garden to flourish!

Want to learn more ways to connect with your team? Click here to check out our top-rated training systems. The Kammbium team is here to help you succeed.