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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


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Escape the cycle of confusion and chaos.

Does it feel like you’re constantly scrambling and reinventing the wheel in your business? Embrace the calm and confidence that come with documented systems. 

Maybe you’re tired of being drawn into operations when you know you need to be focused on sales and getting new business.

Maybe your team is making mistakes, and it’s impacting your clients’ experience.

Maybe you’re terrified of your assistant taking a much-needed vacation or winning the lottery—leaving you to follow their bread crumbs or start from scratch with the next hire.

You know this is not how an elite team runs their business. You know you need better processes and bullet-proof systems. But it’s always on the backburner, because as is, you barely have the time to create the systems you need, let alone document your processes.

We can help with that.

Your real estate business can become efficient, scalable, and duplicatable in just 12 weeks.

Here’s the good news: A blueprint for running a successful and consistent real estate business already exists—and we can tailor it to you.

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What's best for you?

The Operations Playbook
You’ll get our blueprint for success consisting of 10 essential sections found in every elite real estate team’s playbook, which you can use as-is or customize to your team’s standards. It's completely up to you!
Perfect for growing teams who are ready to stop improvising and want to work together to start establishing best practices.
The Custom-Built Operations Playbook
You’ll receive a complete build-out of a playbook that meets your team’s exact standards. We’ll start with our template as a guideline and look at your existing systems to create something that’s entirely yours—with our expert guidance, of course.
Perfect for elite real estate teams who are feeling the growing pains of success and need a playbook tailored to their business.
Paul Scherrer

Benefits far exceeded our expectation. Kathleen and her team are totally keyed in to how successful teams use systems and processes to facilitate growth.

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With clear, documented systems, scaling your business is easier and more enjoyable. Your
team can be self-sufficient high performers, and your clients can enjoy the customer service that comes from the well-oiled machine that is your business.

  • A guide to your mission, vision, and values
  • Org chart and job descriptions for your team roles
  • HR resource recommendations including company policies, recruiting resources, and
    onboarding materials
  • Best practices for your CRM, lead gen activities, open houses, referrals, and more
  • Sections for you to customize, including listing and buyer’s agent training, CMAs,
    contracts, scripts for objection handling, and more
  • Planning templates and guidelines for online advertising, direct mail, and social media marketing
  • Listing procedures and contract-to-close systems
  • Office management and bookkeeping systems
  1. Book a clarity call. Talk with one of our Systems Consultants to find the best
    solutions for you. We’ll discuss your needs and desired outcomes to determine
    whether our Operations Playbook Template, a partially customized playbook, or
    fully customized solution is for you.
  2. DIY? If you decide to customize your own playbook, you’ll receive the Operations Playbook template, which you can add to and revise to suit your business.
  3. Going custom? We can get as nitty-gritty as you need it to be.
  4. We’ll create a project plan designed just for you. ​​We’ll take a look at the existing systems in your business, make recommendations for even greater efficiency, and establish a timeline for your playbook.
  5. Time for the build-out! Guided by your vision for your team, we’ll manage the project and put everything together. Plus, we’ll integrate with your existing software like Trainual, Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, Brokermint, and more.
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Meet your systems consulting team

Our team of experienced operations professionals has created solutions for the struggles
real estate teams like yours go through. They’re ready to take on your unique challenges.


Director of Operations, Managing Broker


Lead Systems Consultant


Systems Consultant


Client Care and Systems Specialist

Find the freedom to grow your business
(minus the mayhem)

Let’s finally check systems documentation off your list so you can grow and scale with ease.

Ready to get started? Book a call with us today to find your solution.