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“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

Leaders know the vision and mission of their business.

As a leader, it’s incredibly important to know what the vision and mission of your business are. Establishing your vision and mission puts purpose front and center. This allows you to properly align your business and create a strategic plan of how you will move your business forward. 

As a responsible leader, it is important to make your vision and mission abundantly clear to everyone on your team. Communicating your vision and mission to your team can be challenging, but once you formulate how to articulate your purpose it will become a valuable tool for your organization. 

To be clear, your vision and mission are 2 very different, but important aspects of your business. 
Having trouble differentiating between your vision and mission statement? Here is a quick look at the differences.

Need additional help getting clarity? Book a free consultation here.
A great leader, one who takes responsibility for communicating the vision and mission, will motivate their team to act with purpose. This will ensure everyone is working towards the same common goal. 

Leaders go the way they want others to follow.  

In order to create “buy-in” or motivate others to get onboard,a  leader must go before them. Yes, we’ve all heard the saying “lead by example”, but it goes beyond that. As a leader, you face many unknown hurdles and are often placed in uncertain situations. How do you respond? 

Are you frustrated? Overwhelmed? Short-tempered? Are you grasping at the bits and just throwing things together? 

What if you were systematic? Confident? Had support in how to handle those obstacles?

There are so many factors at play here but responsible leaders must take inventory and ask themselves the hard questions. Being the face of the organization, business, or team comes with additional responsibilities. Being a great leader starts with looking inward. Read more about this here

Do you have the vision but you’re stuck trying to figure out how to live that vision out or bring it to life so that you can effectively lead your team? Take a look at some options here that may be helpful. 

Leaders show others the way.

You might be wondering, how is showing others the way different than going the way or leading by example?

Well, when you reach this level of leadership, you are able to show others what you have learned, you can skillfully communicate and inspire positive change. As an effective leader, you are able to mentor, influence, and impact on those around you. Lead not just by example but by motivating your staff to continuously strive to reach their goals. Motivate employees to act with passion and purpose. The result is that everyone on your team contributes to the organization’s growth and it becomes mutually beneficial to all.

If you are wondering how you can level up your leadership skills or gain clarity on how to best lead your team, know that you are not alone. We offer several options for growth-minded real estate agents and want to be a resource for you. Schedule your clarity call today!