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As a real estate admin, it’s likely that you’re no stranger to feeling overwhelmed or stretched thin. After all, your role often requires that you wear different hats at any given time of the day! Many real estate admins feel as though they need to take it all on; asking for help is a bad thing, right?


Being a successful real estate admin means knowing your limits. When you reach out and say, “Can you give me a hand?”, it shows that you care about both your success and the success of your team.

Why Don’t We Ask?

There’s a common misconception that asking for help makes you seem weak or less capable. In fact, many people refuse to ask for something as simple as directions, just because they’re embarrassed or ashamed!

In a healthy work environment, employees are encouraged to ask for help. Believe it or not, the most important element of a successful team is open, honest, and productive communication. Instead of being afraid of coming off as insecure, ask for assistance with confidence and know that you demonstrate capable self-assuredness.

The Right Way

There is, without a doubt, a right and a wrong way to ask for help. The wrong way involves throwing up your hands, complaining, and saying “I can’t do this!” The right way opens the door to possibility.  

When you ask for help, come armed with a solution. Imagine, for instance, that you’re struggling to complete a task or keep up with your work. Instead of demanding that your employer hire a new employee, propose a productive, easy-to-implement solution that could alleviate your stress while keeping the business on track.

You can even phrase it by saying, “In order to complete this task, I need…”; this gives your employer a clear roadmap for how they can contribute to your success!  

Results Speak Loudly

By asking for help, you avoid a whole host of problems – the most important one being a need for damage control. If a project or task gets away from you and you end up dropping the ball – or worse, disappointing a client – then your boss will need to step in and pick up the pieces.

Sure, it might make you uncomfortable to acknowledge that you’re in over your head, but an uncomfortable conversation is far better than being reprimanded for making a large (and potentially expensive!) mistake.

Above all else, remember that communication is one of your biggest assets. When you can work with your boss as a team, that’s when the magic happens! Are you looking to open up a stronger dialogue? Check out our 90 Days to Thrive admin coaching program.

*Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash